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When she reached the first hills of the Italic Mountains, she had a last view back on the skyline of her hometown.


A Chit Chat With… A Lighting Designer!

Another week of interviews with the unsung heroes of your favourite shows. Lighting though,...

A Chit Chat With… A Label Owner (How to start your own label)

How to start your own music label? The million dollar question some might say....

A Chit Chat With… A Sound Engineer!

What a pleasure it has been so far to showcase to you the wonderful...

A Chit Chat with… A Music Podcaster!

Hey everyone! Ben here, back with another episodeĀ  of our “A Chit Chat With…”,...

New Series: A Chit Chat with… A DIY Promoter.

Hello everyone! Ben here, back with something new for you! This week, we present...